September 2020 Takeaways

Season of Creation

Nominations Committee

  • The following committees are currently reviewing their membership and seeking to identify new members. If you are interested or can recommend someone to join these committees, please contact Mark Paetkau, Susan Burns, Janet Cawley, Doug Smart, or Maggie Enwright.


Chair: Mark Paetkau

  • Minutes of council meetings are available through the church office, and regular reports to the congregation are included in the church newsletter after the monthly meeting.

Arts Committee

Chair: Heather Swallow

  • The Rejuvenation Committee has reached out to Arts regarding ideas for the sanctuary and has asked for input around the Memorial Centre reception area. Sabina Harpe put forward an idea for showcasing congregational artworks.

  • We discussed some ideas for taking liturgical installations outdoors for October.

  • Arts will undertake to collect two or three bullet points from each committee for disseminating to the congregation.

Children Youth and Families

Chair: Kathryn Urquhart

  • The nursery has been moved from upstairs next to the office, to the Dogwood Room downstairs

  • With the help of the Vera Thompson Fund, three youth from PSUC participated in Camp Spirit - Stay tuned for a presentation to the congregation about their experience.

  • A sub-committee is reviewing how to restart Godly Play safely.

Facilities Use Committee

Council Rep: Arthur Ross

  • Groups are encouraged to continue to meet from a distance.

  • Where meeting at a distance is not feasible, a formal Checklist has been prepared to aid church-connected groups of congregants with small membership to meet on church property.

  • Groups may contact Alicia for assistance in preparing the Checklist, which will stand as that group’s COVID-19 Plan for space use. Acceptance of any submission is at the discretion of this committee.

Finance Committee

Chair: Julie Poznanski

  • Remarkably, donations have remained very stable since March.  This is a true testament to the level of commitment in our congregation and the success of our staff in delivering engaging worship and other ministry throughout shutdown. Huge gratitude and recognition is deserved on both fronts.

  • Looking ahead to budget planning for 2021, we recognize that there may be a major shift towards online outreach and a need to reallocate resources accordingly. External review of the 2019 financial statements is now complete. These will be presented to the congregation at the next congregational meeting.

In-reach Committee

Chair: Sally Ball

  • Sally sent regrets – in hospital for an injury.

  • No new roll report for September.

Ministry and Personnel Committee

Chair: Arthur Ross

  • Annual staff reviews are beginning for all staff other than Rev. Maggie and Rev. Deborah.

  • The M&P Committee is concerned for the health and safety of staff as groups seek access to the premises. Please adhere to and apply all protocols for entry into the buildings.

Outreach Committee

Chair: Maggie Hosgood

  • Members of the Outreach Committee, in collaboration with the First United Partnership Circle, participated in a letter writing campaign to decriminalize possession of street drugs for personal use.
  • As members of the West Side Churches Refugee Sponsorship Committee, PSUC’s Outreach Committee supports several refugee families, both here in Canada and still overseas. The pandemic and other issues have slowed down progress in many areas.
  • This committee is our liaison with Drawdown, meeting with over 20 registrants this fall over Zoom. 

Property Oversight Committee (POC)

Chair: Janis Esau

  • Assisted with moving the nursery (see CYF committee above) 
  • Will arrange storage space for furnishings during the rejuvenation process.

Property Development Committee

Council Rep: Gordon Esau

  • The term for the exercise of the Option to Purchase the lot at the corner of West 45 and Yew has been extended and discussions in connection with its exercise are proceeding.
  • The committee continues to explore the alternatives for redevelopment.

Rejuvenation Committee

Council Rep: Erin Peters

  • The committee is moving forward with plastering, painting, removing pews, and preparing the floors.
  • A list of desirable items will be available for individuals to sponsor, including such items as garden benches, new appliances and furnishings.
  • With POC, the Committee will be reaching out to the congregation to identify unwanted or unneeded furniture and equipment, which will later be offered to congregants and others.

Spiritual Nurture Committee

Chair: Chris Epting

  • As Zoom meetings are not feasible for some members, The Third Place has been socializing at a distance on the lawn. An in-person meeting is preferable for this group, and the group will seek accommodations for indoor socializing through the winter months.

  • A Virtual Coffee Hour will be hosted in October by invitation, similar to the spring coffee hours.

  • A seven-week Bible Study on Isaiah will begin mid-October. 

  • Centring Prayer and Questioning Faith continue to meet via Zoom.

Worship Committee

Chair: Paul Westwick

  • Bryn’s new computer is on its way, which will give more power and flexibility for creating music for online- and in-person-worship such as the ability to combine some voices of the Chamber Choir for choral pieces.

  • This committee does not decide when we will be worshipping together again, but in preparation, the committee is finalizing a pandemic protocol, which will include a registration process, signage, and guidelines for greeters and worshippers

  • Communion on Zoom will take place on October 4 (World Wide Communion Sunday) and every Wednesday at 6 pm.
  • Look for Bible study sessions Mondays and before Wednesday communion.


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