January 2022


In-person worship suspended again | Report of the Visioning Committee

Coordinating Minister's Report | Maggie Enwright, Coordinating Minister

  • With the Visioning Team completing their work, the Church Council needs to think about the next steps to ensure the Visioning Report is one that leads to concrete directions and actions for our congregation.

  • Several focal points were laid out for Council.

Arts Committee | Heather Swallow, Chair

  • January 21 Coffee-less House has been postponed until we can meet in person
  • A different online gathering such as a games night may go ahead in partnership with or hosted by CYF. Kathleen B to pursue.
  • Some Arts Committee members plan to attend Creative Minds in February.

Children Youth and Family Committee | Irene Griffiths, Chair

  • Three people will be attending the Godly Play Core Training, to be offered over Zoom on two half Saturdays and two full Saturdays between January 29 and April 9.  This is a considerable time commitment, and we appreciate the commitment shown by those involved.

  • Bella Harned has begun sending twice-monthly newsletters to families, including all those involved in the Pneuma choir.  The newsletters have been appreciated and well received by the recipients.

Finance Committee | Julie Poznanski, Chair

  • Overall, 2021 was a solid year financially with continued generosity in offerings, lower ministry costs due to limits on gatherings, the extension of the wage subsidy program, and strong investment returns.
  • The 2022 budget is recommended for approval by the congregation at a meeting scheduled for February 27, 2022. A Q&A session will be held in advance of that meeting, providing an opportunity for a more detailed review and questions.
  • While some uncertainty remains around public health measures and priorities flowing from the visioning process, the budget reflects energy and passion for transformative ministry.
  • Full reporting to the congregation will be circulated mid-February.

In-Reach Committee | Sally Ball, Chair

  • Discussed Inreach's role in welcoming new people and making connections with those in the congregation who may be needing more connection. Invitational coffee and Third Place are two ways of doing so. Deborah reported that there are plans for a gathering of people wanting to become members.

Outreach Committee | Patricia Alexis, Chair

  • Drawdown course Getting into Action is now going. Jean is one of the leaders. Maggie reported on an online course offered by the Mennonite Church: “Creator’s Calling a Climate Emergency” which runs on Thursdays from January 20-March 17th at 5pm. https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/event/12641-2022-01-20-creators-call-in-the-climate emergency

  • Educational event for the congregation was tabled.

  • Turkey dinners for 6 families were supplied and personally delivered by Jean McTavish. There were 25 people or more who enjoyed this. The $400 will come out of the Outreach General account. 

Ministry and Personnel Committee | Jacqueline Kelly, Chair

  • Nothing to report to congregation this month.

Property Oversight Committee | Mark Mikulec, Chair

  • Lawn-mowing and snow shovelling contracts are being reviewed for rental houses.
  • POC is increasingly focusing on organizing storage space in the basement of the centre for items presently stored in the gym 
  • POC continues to work on the day-to-day maintenance problems that occur in old buildings.

Spiritual Nurture Committee | Chris Epting, Chair

  • Lenten Study called Lesser Evils will start with Lent.  Watch for upcoming announcement.

  • A New Climate for Christology: Kenosis, Climate Change, and Befriending Nature by Sallie McFague.  This book study will be led by Janey Cawley during Eastertide.   Watch for upcoming announcement.

Trustees | Doug Smart, Chair

  • No takeaways for the congregation this month.

Worship Committee | Merrilee Thompson, Chair

  • Since cancelling in-person worship for Christmas Eve, we continue to worship virtually. The Worship committee is not recommending a return to in-person worship at this time. A “dream” might be the beginning of Lent. We are grateful to all the staff and volunteers who have again pirouetted in support of our congregation.

  • We agreed that Communion will be offered via Zoom once a month, including January 16, February 06, March 06, and April 10.

  • January 30 is VST SundayPatricia Dutcher Wells, the retired Dean of VST and a professor of Hebrew scripture, will be preaching in our YouTube service.

  • Creative Minds will take place on February 4th at 7:00 PM. It is a gathering of all folk interested in mulling over the coming liturgical season and sharing ideas of themes, hymns etc. for Worship services, in this instance the season is Lent. All are invited, because everyone has ideas to offer. 


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